The story of my life as told in random snippets by me, whenever I get around to it.

Hence the title.

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Little Pony Army of DEATH

You guys, when I was a wee little girl, I had what I called my girl toys, and my boy toys.  (For example, I had an actual He-Man Power Sword that would light up and everything, but I would only play with it when boys came over.  I LOVED it, don't get me wrong, it gave me a HUGE thrill to be able to say

but I firmly told my mother that was a boy toy, and not to be used when I had girls over.)

I think this came in some part from playing with the older brother.

You see, I had an awful lot of "girl" toys, too.  I had Strawberry Shortcake toys (I even had that awesome snail that would transport them all over), and Rainbow Brites, and Cabbage Patch dolls, and more My Little Ponies than you could shake a stick at)
And when I played with them, by myself or with my girl friends, we had lovely little adventures where the unicorns winked in and out, frolicking, and the pegasuses (pegasi?) flew in and out of clouds, and the regular ponies munched on flowers and laughed and played together happily.

When I played with them with the older brother, however, THE PONIES WENT TO WAR.


(I can't explain this, except that somehow, when you're young and innocent and me, AN OLDER SIBLING IS A GOD.)

And I happily played G.I. Joe with him, and happily agreed to be Cobra EVERY SINGLE TIME (except once, when I put my foot down.  As I recall, THAT IS THE ONE TIME G.I. JOE LOST.)

BUT, there was a difference, somehow, between being Hooded Cobra Commander, and dying gloriously in an epic battle, and being Captain Featherwing and losing all my troops in a final assault against General PinkStar.

(note that I made up my own names for my ponies.)

I suspect that I must have expressed this emotion, because at some point, we switched to having My Little Pony Olympics, which was slightly better in that while it still involved competition, no one actually died.





...I still lost, of course.


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